Emerson's Child

       Emerson's opinion on the presidential election would be interesting. He'd probably be shocked out of 318 million people these 2 were selected.Emerson would like us together to move forward as a country but to be unique and individuals. He would want us to unite for the presidential election then probably make us go back to being individuals.

      Emerson believes superior people is the key to having success in society. So if the only options is Donald trump or Hilary Clinton, he'd probably whisper under his breath how America's screwed. Trump is considered a brute because of all the things he says to the media without caring, which Emerson thinks is genius. On the other hand we have Hilary who is just known for her deleted emails and wanting to start war with Russia. Emerson would probably support trump due to him being confident in himself and not lying.
    Emerson would want this country to move forward not backwards by dividing our country over our differences. He'd want us to unite as a country to make the right choices of who gets elected in office or on propositions. As long as we don't conform and do what everybody else is doing because it's "cool". I believe he'd want the youth to have a voice or at least letting us vote because he was a strong   Believer that youth has a voice in society. Comparing the past elections to this one he'd probably think it's a joke how someone with no experience can win.

    Emerson would want the whole country to come together and vote but as soon as the election is over go back to our regular lives. I'm sure he'd want everyone to be unique and to do their own thing. Like he said"What I must do is all that concerns me not what the people think" , he'd basically want you to pursue your dreams without listening to all the haters or doubters who have nothing positive to say.

Emerson believes that the key to success is having superior people in society. He'd also want our country to improve and not divide over our differences. Emerson would also like the whole country to get together and vote then go back to our regular lives instead of whining and complaining days after the election. Overall I'd honestly would like to see Emerson's opinion so that I can compare them with mine and see if I was spot on or off.


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