Showing posts from 2016
I am offering this poem first impression
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im honestly impressed with his poetry. He starts off the poem by saying I'm offering this poem for you and after each stanza he says "I love you". I think what he's trying to tell us is that we should keep this poem to ourselves no matter what we'll always have this poem. He will look out for us by continuing to write poetry. Honestly it's a short poem which is a pretty good one.
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tone-the tone of this story is that he had a sign of hope Even when he was In prison. He taught himself how to read and also how to write which is showing his will to change into a better person. Mood- the mood of this story is depressing because it shows us that most people in prison have dreams when they first get in but after a while they just die now they're just a person with no soul or emotion Theme- I believe the theme of the story is that everyone deserves a second chance. If it wasn't for prison changing baca's life he would of never taught himself how to read or about poetry. I think this shows that no matter your past there's always room for change. Devices- some devices used in this story were similes and metaphors. One example is they used common sense like scholars. After reading Jessica's interpretation of the poem it kind of opened my eyes how it really depends on eye of the beholder. I thought it was about learning to never give up and having an...
My mad dream of an essay
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Remember that time you ate that spicy [ paleta ] just before you went to bed on the night before the big [ family reunion ] ? Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election. When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the [ precise ] details, but after reading " On Self-Reliance " and " A Sound of Thunder " it's all coming back to you now. The dream started badly. You were in line with your family at a [best buy ] waiting to be sent [to church]. Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect [ignacio], looking like a crazy [kangaroos] who could eat a whole [pancake]. Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, " [ Society is like a wave ] ." You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to [help]. But it wasn't easy. First you had to put on a fancy [jorts] and [fubu shirt ] and then you had make a [plan] to go ba...
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Study Guide for Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the story or class discussion. annihilate- to destroy expendable- to do only once infinitesimally-extremely small primeval-earliest age in history resilient-to recover quickly from condition revoke-to put an end to the validility sheathed-put a weapon into subliminal-the threshold of sensation or consciousness taint-contaminating undulate-move with wavelike features II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the story. foreshadowing Describe what is foreshadowed: The slightest change in the past changes the future and how even a butterfly can change the presence. simile: Example:Suddenly it all ceased, as if someone had shut a door. metaphor example: protagonist:eckel Who is the protagonist of this story? Eckels QU...
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If I were able to go back in time I'd want to see historic moments. I'd want to see the first skyscraper built. I'd want to see how ww1 and ww2 started. I'd also wanted to go back and see how much we've progressed forward. I'd want to see famous events like the landing on the moon. Stuff like that interests me. I'd probably be chilling and asking questions to hitler on why he did all those evil things. American history is lit.
Emerson's Child
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Emerson's opinion on the presidential election would be interesting. He'd probably be shocked out of 318 million people these 2 were selected.Emerson would like us together to move forward as a country but to be unique and individuals. He would want us to unite for the presidential election then probably make us go back to being individuals. Emerson believes superior people is the key to having success in society. So if the only options is Donald trump or Hilary Clinton, he'd probably whisper under his breath how America's screwed. Trump is considered a brute because of all the things he says to the media without caring, which Emerson thinks is genius. On the other hand we have Hilary who is just known for her deleted emails and wanting to start war with Russia. Emerson would probably support trump due to him being confident in himself and not lying. Emerson would want this country to move forward not backwards by ...
Emersons presentation day 3
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We talked about how come we aren't allowed to vote at this age which brings up a good point. I honestly believe we should be allowed to vote because the youth or at least teenager should be allowed to say something and it mattering. This one presentation caught my attention when they brought up how school makes us miserable and you don't even learn anything. All you get is a bunch of assignments but the whole purpose of school is to learn which doesn't happen. Emerson helps us relate by giving us confidence in ourselves after reading self reliance. In the final presentation someone mentioned how we shouldn't think ourselves as good people but we should just be a good person. Like the saying goes actions speak louder than words. I truly believe that you shouldn't worry about others opinion on you just be true to yourself
Emerson's presentation day 2
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That a group chose quotes that each of them like or related to. They chose nothing can bring you peace but yourself because they want you to treat others how you want to be treated. We also learned that the tone of self reliance was inspirational. "If you're noble he'll love you and if you're not..." because he talks about respect and others opinions.
Emerson presentation day 1
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So far today I've heard about how someone related to self reliance with a personal experience and he learned to forgive the other person and not get mad. I also presentated I showed off my kahoot game I made, it was pretty cool. Then a group showed their quote "The world has been instructed by its kings" which they chose for was cause it meant we've been ruled over by kings and presidents or something like that.
Emerson for the young buck
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basically if I was to summerize Emerson's self reliance he's trying to say just to be yourself. He wants you to be different and not be scared of being yourself. He says you're a genuis and to always follow your life goals. Emerson wants the kids to know that they're the future and people care what you say. He wants you to be different and chase your dreams. He says the younger kids are better than old people.
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1) be yourself It's basically just saying stay true to yourself and don't change. They came up in the seminar because it was a pretty relatable quote by Emerson. 2)"the world has been instructed by its kings who have so magnetized the eyes of nations" This basically is talking about how all the leaders or kings,presidents etc get all the attention when they shouldn't. 3) "the soul is no traveler" What Emerson is basically trying to say is you act like yourself no matter where you travel 4) "what I must do is all that concerns me not what people think" It's saying I do what I want and I don't care what people think of me. It came up because we do what we want and we don't care what people think.
I'm self reliant
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So far what I've read I'm confused. so far what I've gotten is to conform against conformity. Also about kings and rulers and How you wake up and realize you're the true prince. Our consistency scares us more than our self trust. Self existence is the attribute of supreme cause. What does Emerson mean "but now we are a mob"?
My American voice
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You should speak up when you feel like it's the right thing to do. For example if someone's being physically hurt then you should jump in. If I see 2 people who hate eacheother wanna beat each other up then I wouldn't jump in I'd let them it's their problem. It's different someone's getting picked on by someone else just to feel better about himself then that's when you jump in. Any bullying relatedthing . things
vocab #6
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meme- a humorous image that spreads rapidly by internet users Ex:Luis's memes are not funnier than mine. Virus-a piece of code that is capable of copying Ex: My computer has a virus and is slow. Viral-circulated rapidly on the internet Ex: Harambe went viral. Blog-a regularly updated website Ex: my blog in English class is awesome. Wiki-a website that allows collaborative editing Ex:Many people use wiki for research. Url- an adress to a resource on the internet Ex: what's the url to your blog? Website-a location connected to the internet Ex: what website do you get your memes from? Www-the World Wide Web Ex:websites used to have www in the front of it when it was new. Internet-a communication network that allows computers worldwide to connect Ex: my internet at home is trash. 2.0-better or more advanced Ex: I just upgraded to the iPhone 7s plus which is a 2.0 Open source- made freely available and may be redistributed and modified Ex: Dr Preston's class...
Literature analysis #2
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1. The plot is that this guy named Chee who tries to find a stolen artifact backhoe. The whole plot revolves on who it might be. 2. The theme is on the mistakes of working with different cultures when ones a minority(Navajos) compared to (white) who is dominant. 3.based on the authors tone I truly believe he has isomnia staying up late drinking caffeine.Then in the mornings he wakes up feeling like shit wishing he could sleep. I feel like he's the type of author to eat cereal while barely awake. 4. The imagery in this story is amazing I actually felt like I was there. I felt like I was also hunting for the thief which truly was interesting and fun. The authors diction is truly complex and shows he's educated.
Letter to mentor draft
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dear Language specialist, Who organized the alphabet in alphabetical order ? How im wondering this basic question but yet complex. Like who's idea was it and how did they do it ? Like have you been asked this question before ? Or do you not know either ? I'm just trying to find answers to my big question Sincerely Jose
Vocab 5
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venomous-capable of injecting venom Ex: the snake is venomous. stolid-calm and dependable ex: The man acted stolid during the drill at school. hypnotized-produce a state of hynoppsis ex:I don't believe in being hypnotized: suspended-temporarily prevent from continuing ex: I've never been suspended in my life. transformed-thorough or dramatic change ex: In the movie transformers they transform cars into robots. accuse-charge someone ex: They accused oj of murder. anticipate-regard as probable ex: During football practice you can anticipate a big hit. fringe- an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material ex: the fringe annoys me on my shirt. melancholy-a feeling of pensive sadness ex: The sub made it feel melancholy. earnestly-serious in intention ex: I'm very earnest. dissolve-become or cause too incorporated into liquid ex: The slug dissolved when salt was poured. aggravate-make or worsen ex: I r...
Respect my authority
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Most of the time authorities in my life try to help me be the best me I can be. Also sometimes certain authorities don't want me to be myself, they want me to be the same. In school authorities want me to succeed being myself loving what I do but 1 teacher doesn't want me to make It out in thee world. My coaches are always motivating me and believe in me, which makes me feel comfortable. Harambe the gorilla is my inspiration.
Inciting incident
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So leanard mead gets arrested by a cop in a town where there's 0 people out. They're all inside watching television. So after reading how he got arrested and taken away into confinement at a physiatric center. He's confused because when he passes by his house all his lights are on. This took deep in the future where walking at night is illegal because everyone spends time watching tv. Since there was only one cop he's never ran into him until tonight where he ends up being taken away.
Mistakes for presidents
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So far what I've noticed is Donald trump is talking from his ass. Every time the guy asks him about his opinion over the topic he changes and talks about his business or how much money he makes . He doesn't know how to run a country. He's trying to run it the same as a business. So far the tax topic makes Donald trump evade the question. Hilary got triggered when she was asked over her 33,000 emails.
Vocab 3 Test
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I ramified the cheese on my taco at taco bell. I choose to eschew from bad life decisions in life. Most of my classes in high school are banal. My classmates tend to be tactiturn during the first couple days. In battlefield there's a class called recon which is short for reconissance. Writing in pencil is not germane in dr prestons class The way of teaching is intransigent The dog is very tenable. My chemistry grade is coherent 🙄
Vocab 4
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Intermittent- not continuous or steady Ex: my grade in Spanish class is intermittent. Ebb-gradually lessen or reduce Ex: My appetite ebbed when I saw her cooking. Regress-return to former or less developed state Ex: Sometimes I wish things regressed. Tendency -an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior Ex: Most classes have a tendency of being boring. Antiseptic -substance that prevent growth of disease causing microorganisms Ex: in school people use antiseptics to stay clean.
Vocab 3
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Vocab Coherent-logical or consistent Ex:The graph equation is coherent. Belabor-argue or elaborate Ex: we belabored over the presidential campaign Eschew-abstain from Ex: I eschew from drugs. Acquisitive -interested in getting money Ex: I'm acquisitive for the future. Emulate-match or surpass Ex: I have emulated the teachers Banal-boring and lacking originality Ex: Some of my classes are banal. Excoriation-skin picking disorder Ex; my neighbor has exorciation. Congeal-solidify or coagulate Carping-difficult to please Ex: My counselor is carping when I have meetings with her. Substantiate-provide evidence Ex: The dea substantiated evidence to capture Escobar. Temporize-avoid making a decision Ex: I temporize in Spanish class quizzes. Largesse-generosity Ex: I'm very largesse. Tenable-able to be maintained Ex: the cat is tenable. Insatiable-impossible to satisfy Ex:my history is insatiable for a good grade. Reconnaissance-military observation Ex: in b...
Vocabulary 2
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Vocab 2 1)Faith-complete trust in someone I have lost faith in my pet cat. 2)Threshold-a strip of wood forming on the bottom of the doorway There's threshold in the basement door, it's pretty nasty 3)Tarry-stay longer than intended I tarried when I visited a friends house. 4)Resolve-settle or find solution to I resolved our missing food problem it was rats.🌚 5)Discern-recognize I couldn't discern her with all that makeup. 6)Martyr-person who gets killed for religious beliefs A lot of people in the Middle East get martyred. 7)Mirth-amusement I had mirth at six flags. 8)Catechism-summary of principles in Christian religion I have to take catechism class. 9)Pious-devoutly religious My family really isn't that pious 10)Frenzy-wild behavior The school went in a frenzy during the food fight.
Young Goodman brown questions
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1) Hawthornes purpose was to show how dark people actually are even though they seem to be religious and never commit sins. 2)I agree with his wife being named faith it's a double entendre. Like he leaves "faith" to go on a dark deed in the forest. Brown doesn't have faith in the end. 3) The pink ribbons signify Faith's innocence and the good. 4)" Depending upon one another's hearts, ye had still hoped that virtue were not all a dream! Now are ye undeceived! Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome, again, my children, to the communion of your race!" This helps prove my point that it wasn't a dream. 5) I think that old man is the devil because his snake staff and because he knows everybody in the village and important people and has known young Goodman's brown grandpa. 6)The staff represents temptation from the Adam and Eve story. I think the staff plays mind games with Goodman brown and shows the towns t...
Young Goodman Brown
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My first impression of this whole story was the beginning was pretty boring but as soon as I read more I got sucked into it. I think it's pretty crazy how he couldn't tell if it was real or just all a dream. It's crazy how even all the really religious people like the father or pastor were associated with the devil. Even faith was involved. I agree with young Goodman brown never trusting the people in the village after that experience.
Class notes to success
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Theme-the central message The theme to Richard Cory is you never know what a person is going through . The tone is to repeat the authors attitude towards the audience . Mood is the readers emotion while he reads Syllogism=logos Premise 1 Premise 2 Conclusion Truth is factually verifiable in the world Diction-words an author uses to tell a story Syntax is the way the author puts the words together The medium is the message- The difference between hearing and listening is how we think it's our brains. 1)verbal -what you say 2)para verbal -how you use your voice 3)non verbal- just using expressions
Ancient stories
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The language is actually not very different compared to ours today just a couple words.i think it's pretty interesting how they told this story over and over without forgetting any major details. I think that there might be a couple parts of missing due to being told over many years with out any one to write it down. I honestly think people embellished it .the language is similar because back in the day we used short sentences and slang like how we do today. Some words might have been left out from the original due to it being translated and words changing over generations. Because it started as an oral story some words might have been left out or they might have added a whole bunch.
First Impressions 🤔
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After reading Richard cory I've realized that you never know what a persons going through. No matter how happy or fine someone seems. I feel like this poem is pretty deep. Everybody knows Richard Cory always smiling and everybody wants to be just like him and one day he just kills himself that's pretty crazy. I wonder what caused Richard Cory to finally decide to end his life? Like I'm wondering why if you're rich and have everything you can imagine ? Like I feel like there was some details left out but great poem. The link to the other poem doesn't work for me.